
Privacy Policy - Fulfillment

Data Management Policy related to the delivery of goods ordered at webshops implemented by BOXY Logistics Zrt. as a data processor.

Who manages your personal data? Who is the Data Controller?
The Data Controller (the given webshop) manages your personal data as the recipient of the delivery, based on the contract established with the contracting party.
What activities does BOXY Logistics Ltd. perform?
BOXY Logistics Ltd. provides logistic services for the Data Controller, and implements the delivery of ordered goods when commissioned. In this regard, BOXY Logistics Ltd. handles your personal data as a recipient of the delivery not as a Data Controller, but as a Data Processor commissioned by the Data Controller. The data processing by BOXY Logistics Ltd. as a Data Processor is performed on behalf of the Data Controller.
What are the contact details of BOXY Logistics Ltd.?
BOXY Logistics Ltd.

Headquarters: 1036 Budapest, Lajos u. 48-66. B. building,

Phone number: 061 44 77 260,

Email address:
What information qualifies as personal data?
Personal data refers to any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (the data subject); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, especially by reference to an identifier such as name, address, telephone number, email address.
Who is considered a data subject?
A data subject is a natural person identified or identifiable by personal data, in this case, a natural person designated as the recipient of goods ordered through the webshop operated by the Data Controller.
What are the main data protection laws regulating the data management activities of the Data Controller?
The data management is primarily regulated by the following laws:

– Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR),

– Act CXII of 2011 on the Right of Informational Self-Determination and on Freedom of Information.
What principle determines the data processing activities carried out by BOXY Logistics Ltd. as a Data Processor?
As a Data Processor, BOXY Logistics Ltd. and any person under its direction with access to personal data, may only handle these data according to the instructions of the Data Controller, unless EU or member state law requires otherwise.
For what purpose, what personal data, on what legal basis, and for how long are the data processed?
The following table details how BOXY Logistics Ltd. processes personal data, for what purpose, on what legal basis, and for how long.


Data category
Purpose of data processing
Legal basis
Duration of data processing
Name and address of the delivery (consignee) recipient
Delivery of goods as specified in the contract made between the Data Controller (webshop) and the contracting party, or return of goods in case of returns.
Legitimate interest
Until the purpose/interest ceases, or successful objection, but no later than the expiry of claims arising from or related to the contract with BOXY Logistics Ltd. (webshop)
Telephone number and email address of the delivery (consignee) recipient
Electronic notification to the recipient regarding the delivery of goods as specified in the contract made between the Data Controller (webshop) and the contracting party, or return of goods in case of returns, and contact related to the delivery.


What are the consequences if data processing is omitted?
If the data processing related to delivery or return is omitted, delivery to the recipient or return from the recipient cannot be carried out.

If data processing for sending electronic notifications or for contact is omitted, the recipient cannot be notified about the planned time of delivery or the status of the delivery, and any potential obstacles related to the delivery.
What rights do the data subjects have?
In connection with the processing of personal data, the data subjects have the following rights regarding the data processing carried out by BOXY Logistics Ltd. as a Data Processor on behalf of the Data Controller:

a) Right to information,

b) Right to access,

c) Right to rectification,

d) Right to erasure,

e) Right to be forgotten,

f) Right to restriction of processing,

g) Right to be informed about the rectification, erasure or restriction of personal data,

h) Right to object,

i) Right to judicial remedy.

Please note that the data subject may object to the processing of their personal data based on a balancing of interests at any time. Objections can be made free of charge at the contacts of the Data Controller or BOXY Logistics Ltd. as the Data Processor.
How can the data subject submit requests related to data processing?
The data subject can submit requests related to data processing implemented by BOXY Logistics Ltd. as a Data Processor on behalf of the Data Controller to either the Data Controller or to BOXY Logistics Ltd. as a Data Processor

– by post to the address provided by the Data Controller, or to BOXY Logistics Ltd. at 1036 Budapest, Lajos utca 48-66,

– in person at the location provided by the Data Controller, or at the premises of BOXY Logistics Ltd.: Üllő, hrsz 3621/1, 2225,

– by phone to the telephone number provided by the Data Controller, or to BOXY Logistics Ltd. at the following telephone number: 061 44 77 260,

– by email to the email address provided by the Data Controller, or to BOXY Logistics Ltd. at the following email address:
How does the Data Controller handle requests concerning the processing of your personal data?
The Data Controller is required to inform the data subject about the measures taken as a result of the request within one month of receiving the request. If necessary, this deadline can be extended by an additional two months. The Data Controller must inform the data subject about the extension of the deadline, stating the reasons for the delay, within one month of receiving the request. If the data subject submitted the request electronically, the Data Controller should provide the information electronically as well, unless the data subject requests otherwise.

If the Data Controller does not take any action following the request of the data subject, the Data Controller must inform the data subject about the reasons for not taking action within one month of receiving the request, and inform them that they may file a complaint with a supervisory authority and seek judicial remedy.

The Data Controller and BOXY Logistics Ltd. as the Data Processor act in accordance with the terms of the contract established between them concerning data processing.
Can BOXY Logistics Ltd. as a Data Processor employ additional data processors?
BOXY Logistics Ltd. as a Data Processor may employ additional data processors based on the Data Controller’s prior written ad-hoc or general authorization, respecting the contract concerning data processing established between BOXY Logistics Ltd. as a Data Processor and the Data Controller.
Does BOXY Logistics Ltd. as a Data Processor transfer personal data managed by it to a third country?
BOXY Logistics Ltd. as a Data Processor transfers data to a sub-processor, “FarEye” Robotic Wares Pvt Ltd (Lotus Business Park, Plot No.8, Tower B, 5th Floor, Sector 127, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India, 201301), whose cloud service, used indefinitely, provides information about the recipient of the delivery, and the delivery location to the courier.
What legal remedies are available to you concerning data processing?
The data subject can initiate proceedings with the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (1055 Budapest, Falk Miksa u. 9-11., postal address: 1363 Budapest, Pf.: 9., website:, phone: +36 (1) 391-1400, fax: +36 (1) 391-1410, central email: concerning the lawfulness of data processing, or they may turn to the court of their domestic place of residence or the headquarters of the Data Controller. We recommend that before approaching the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information or the court, you should contact the data protection officer of BOXY Logistics Ltd.
How can you contact the person responsible for data protection tasks?
The person responsible for data protection tasks at BOXY Logistics Ltd.:

– email:,
– phone number: 061 44 77 260,
– postal address: 1036 Budapest, Lajos u. 48-66